Postured to Listen… The Still Small Voice of God.


Picture an old country dirt road. You see an old man on his hands and knees with his ear to the ground. He is listening for a certain sound or a particular vibration. But why?

In the older days people would put their ear to the ground in order to get a forewarning of what is coming. They would then take the information and prepare accordingly.

We too need to keep our spiritual ears in tune with the Holy Spirit. We do this by studying the Word of God, having intimate secret time with God, and by listening to the whisper of his voice and prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Can you hear God’s voice? Can you feel his urging? Can you feel his heart beat? Can you hear the whisper? If not, reposition your self and dig deeper in the ground.

Our Prayer:

Holy Spirit of the Living God, Breakout in our lives. We want to feel heaven touching us. Help us and direct us in the position that will bring us closer to you. Do what you need to do to get our attention. Manifest your Glory.  In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Chief Intercessor. Amen

Please enjoy today’s worship video from William McDowell entitled, “Spirit Breakout.”

Always know that I love you with an AMAZING LOVE that never fails.

Rev. Marcia Davis


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